Financial Orders
Divorce involves a fair division of the family assets, including the family home.
Generally, this can be achieved by negotiation between solicitors and agreement between the parties. If agreement cannot be reached, then Court Proceedings for Ancillary Relief will be initiated and will result in either an eventual settlement out of Court, or a decision by the Court as to how the family assets should be divided between the parties.

When marriage or cohabitation breaks down, decisions must be made about where the children are to live and about their contact with the non-resident parent.
We can help you to reach appropriate agreement with the other parent, and where agreement cannot be reached we can help you to obtain an appropriate Order from the Court. The Court can make a range of Orders including:
- Residence Orders that children shall live with one parent, or live part of the time with each parent.
- Contact Orders defining the contact that a non-resident parent has with the children. These orders can specify the times, locations and circumstances of contact.
- Parental Responsibility Orders, giving an unmarried father involvement in the child's education, health and welfare.
- Prohibited Steps Orders, preventing specific actions from being taken in respect of the children. For example, a Prohibited Steps Order can prohibit the taking of a child abroad. Legal Aid may be available depending upon your financial circumstances.
All enquiries to or telephone on 01424 426287.