Jacqueline Eichler
Jackie studied law at Bristol University and trained at Tunbridge Wells firm Cripps Harries Hall before joining Funnell & Perring as an Associate in 2004. She joined the partnership in 2006.
Jackie heads up the Conveyancing Department and specialises in residential sales and purchases.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jacqueline-eichler-68264a50/
Direct email: jeichler@funnellperring.co.uk

Gary Lake
Gary has worked in Hastings as a solicitor since 2005 and joined Funnell & Perring in 2006 as a Partner. During his time with Funnell & Perring, Gary has gained extensive experience and expertise in the firm’s core areas of Civil Litigation, Dispute Resolution, Family Law and the Private Client services of Wills, Probate, Powers of Attorney and the Court of Protection. He now combines his client work with wider management duties in our Hastings and Bexhill offices.
Direct email: glake@funnellperring.co.uk
Diane Lynch
Residential Conveyancer
Diane has been a conveyancing practitioner since 1987. She joined Funnell & Perring in 2015, having previously worked for other local practices and spent ten years at a large firm in Bedford.
She can assist with all types of residential conveyancing including sales, purchases, transfers of equity, remortgages and equity release.
Direct email: dlynch@funnellperring.co.uk
Joanne Laker Cilex
Probate Executive
Joanne joined the firm in 2018 and works in the Private Client Department.
She is a Chartered Legal Executive and brings a wealth of experience and care to sensitive matters. Joanne can assist with matters such as Probate and Powers of Attorney.
Direct email: jlaker@funnellperring.co.uk
Glenda Quinnell
Residential Conveyancer
Formerly a licensed conveyancer, and having worked in local firms as a conveyancer since 1996, Glenda took a couple of years out in the early 2000s to have her children.
She joined Funnell & Perring in 2017 as a conveyancing practitioner and deals with all areas of this field.
Direct email: gquinnell@funnellperring.co.uk
Janet le Saux
Probate Executive
Janet joined the Probate Department of Funnell & Perring in 1995. She recognises that Probate can be a daunting experience for those who find themselves having to deal with the administration of an estate, especially of someone to whom they were close. Janet will willingly support and assist those in such a position and offers sensitive and friendly guidance through what can be a very emotional process.
Direct email: jlesaux@funnellperring.co.uk
Kate Maunsell
Kate specialises in Family and Matrimonial work, including divorce, ancillary property and financial matters, and children matters, as well as pre-nuptial agreements and separation deeds.
She studied Law at Cardiff University and completed Law Society Finals at Chancery Lane Law College in London. She studied Articles with a central London firm before moving to practise in Cardiff. Since moving to Kent approximately twenty years ago, Kate has worked with firms in Tunbridge Wells and a Legal500 firm in Bromley, joining Funnell & Perring in 2016.
Kate is a member of Resolution and has Law Society Family Law Accreditation.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/catharine-maunsell-8b699a50/
Direct email: kmaunsell@funnellperring.co.uk
Carolann Wilson
Residential Conveyancer
Carolann deals with all aspects of residential conveyancing. She qualified as a Licensed Paralegal in 2019 and is now studying to qualify as a specialist lawyer.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/carolann-wilson-86b4a7283
Direct email: cwilson@funnellperring.co.uk